What is Graphic Sculptures?
The Graphic Sculptures are extensions of flat graphics in 3D space. They call them multidimensional drawings.
Here is how the author of the sculptures Ingrid Magalinska
figures the Project:
“A couple of years ago I was working on a pencil drawing, when I suddenly felt tight constrained and stuck
in two dimensions.
I knew I should go further – break the 2D limits of the sketchbook and go up out..."
So Ingrid had nothing to do but follow the guidance.
And soon the Graphic Sculptures came to life.
It was not about painting over volumes
or placing grids of ornaments over them,
but drawing through space....
See what happened next ⊲
Scroll down to discover more about the sculpting process in order to fully understand what the Graphic Sculptures are. Watch videos and rotate the sculptures to look at them from all sides.
Lines have completely different behavior through the multidimensional space. They are kind of traces out there, forming and outlining 3D shapes with their presence (or absence). And... they are volumes themselves at the same time.
"This was the first thing I loved most when I started sculpturing graphics", Ingrid says. "It was a challenge to create such lines, since there's not an easy way to do that in the real world".
We use different kinds of strokes in our flat drawings that help us express ourselves in various ways. Some are sharp and contrasting. Others are soft and textured (like the pencil traces).
To study lines behavior in 3D space Ingrid Magalinska had to switch to digital creations.
A graphic sculpture by Ingrid Magalinska
The creation process
The Chicken or the Egg... ?
Sculptors usually play with strokes and contours to create initial sketches and then use them as reference to model the artwork.
And here's Magalinska's approach to create a graphic sculpture.
She first sculpts a rough figure using a 3D software and then the magic happens by itself. As she goes on modeling, more and more parts just become “unused” until Ingrid comes up with the lines in space that form the graphic sculpture.
Flat graphics come to life at the end.
A pen-ink graphic from Magalinska's GOING THROUGH graphic sculpture
We live within a timeline along with all the surrounding stuff.
The Art itself exists out of Time and Space.
And we often use it for short escapes from the Timeline.
Ingrid's Graphic Sculptures are
Art happenings somewhere between Surface and Space,
on the very edge of the Timeline.
On the edge of the Timeline
The Virtual Gallery
Artworks are offered in galleries, on auctions or right out on the street. You can order a picture or download and print one and hang it on a wall. You can even grab paints, throw them on a piece of paper and create your own painting.
There’s no common way to display a Graphic Sculpture. The Graphic Sculptures do not yet exist in the material world just because of their nature.
They are a mixture of multidimensional graphical and musical performance leading to a virtual piece of art. It can be displayed on any screen, bringing the effect of adding a real multi-dimencional artwork to the interior.
We are building a web gallery to showcase the virtual artworks. We have 10 or more graphic sculptures ready as initial concepts, but only few of them have 360º displays and video broadcasts.
We intend to upload at least one new sculpture to the Gallery each month and soon bring the full set of 12 graphic sculptures to life.
The Graphic Sculptures Project GALLERY
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The Graphic Sculptures
Virtual Gallery
To fund the project and gather cash to cover the development costs of new artworks and do research work for future VR exhibitions, production of material copies, etc., we will be asking the graphic sculpture lovers to come up with contributions of their choice.
The Graphic Sculptures Virtual Gallery will offer free basic access to all available Graphic sculptures and multiple Graphic Sculpture digital performance packages along with special perks to the backers. We will add at least one of Ingrid's Graphic Sculptures per month (a 360º walk-around display and a video broadcast) until we have the full set of 12 sculptures completed.
Racing Through Dimensions
A graphic sculpture by Ingrid Magalinska
We use different kinds of strokes in our flat drawings
that help us express ourselves in various ways.
Some are sharp and contrasting.
Others are soft and textured
(like the pencil traces).
To study lines behavior in 3D space,
Ingrid Magalinska had to switch
to digital creations.
We live within a timeline along with all the surrounding stuff.
The Art itself exists out of Time and Space.
And we often use it for short escapes from the Timeline.
Ingrid's Graphic Sculptures are
Art happenings somewhere between
Surface and Space,
on the very edge
of the Timeline.